Tuesday 20 November 2012


I am now craving for any Cadbury chocolates!

Haritu dah melantak Cadbury Bar Hazelnut (medium size) at one go. Sekali bukak wrap, tak berenti sampai abis satu bar hahaha

Now asyik duk makan Cadbury Zip (Chocolate) [sorry Grandma. we know its your fav]. Sekali bukak 1 pack of 6, sure habis. Lepas satu, satu. Sampai habis la sebungkus tu. So kena beli sebungkus2. Supaya takde la melantak berbungkus2 at one go kan hahaha psiko kan diri sendiri hahaha

The baby said, "Mama, Cadbury Chocolates are the best! Its so yummehhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Memang punnnnnn!!! Rasa nikmat yang tak terkata bila makan any Cadbury Chocolate! Tu pasal leh abis banyak at one go hahahaha

I am actually eating Cadbury Zip Bar at the moment! Hahahaha

Cadbury lover,
Mama & Baby Boo


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