Wednesday 29 May 2013

Students from Walailak Uni, Thailand

For this semester, we received 6 students from Walailak Uni, Thailand. All girls, cute and petite. With a good attitude along with a high respect for me.

Nak diceritakan, budak-budak selalu benar datang ke ofis cita macam2 hal nya lah. And most of the hal is diorang nak balik Thailand for a bit. Ada saja alasan nak balik Thailand nya. Ulang alik KL ke Thailand ni dah macam dari UPM pegi KFC kat Seri Serdang tu je. So the last time they went back, I told them "this time, get me some present from Thailand or else you cannot go back" hahahaha tegelak sakan budak2 tu.

2 weeks later they came to my office again. Ingat kan ada masalah lain like their Visa or nak balik Thailand lagi. Rupa-rupanya nak datang bagi hadiah. I was actually kidding about what I said and yet they bought it dengan hati yg ikhlas. ecehhh hahahaha

Inilah hasil gurauan ku hahahaha

 Banana dipped Chocolate

 Baked Honey Coconut

 Picture Frame of an Elephant

 The paperbag is so cuteeeeeeeeee

 Thai Herbal Inhalant (macam Tiger Bam but only herbs in it)

Thanks girls! Next time I'll ask for a return flight ticket to Thailand for my whole family hahaha dah diorang ramai, confirm leh sponsor kami semua hahahaha

And now they are back in Thailand for good. Takde dah student Thai yg akan datang ke ofis tiap2 minggu. Paling tak pun seminggu sekali hahaha 
Hope to see you again!

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