Thursday 23 December 2010

New International Students Registration Week (1)

Another nightmare begins! Having to deal with this matter is a very head cracking man!

It all started on Monday, 20th December 2010 at 8.30am.

The morning went hectically busy! We received more than 70 students from the morning, noon and afternoon session. We we too busy to even take 5 minutes of for our breakfast or to even enjoy our lunch break!

The promotion for NISWP was hard enough, cause we have to explain a whole lot about the programme to the students. Though I'm sure we gave the bestest and clearest explaination to them, there'll always be stupid questions from them! GOSH!

Though there's only some nice ones, but there too many RUDE ones! *ANNOYED!*

I had a very dry throat by the end of the first day, because of too much talking (normal basis) plus talking to the students too. The double used of my saliva! Grr

I got a lil bit quite for the second, third and forth day. Hoping for a quite Friday too! And double triple hoping for an even more quite second week!! Muahahahaha

Mode: Annoyed & had enough dealing with International Students yang tak faham bahasa! Such show offs!

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