Friday 6 February 2015

2015 Limited Edition


I'm happy to share that we will be adding another Limited Edition for 2015 to the family. The little fetus is 8weeks long now and doing great. However, not so much to the Mama hahahaha
Comparing the second pregnancy and the first one, both totally different in all the way. 

With Sofea, I dont really feel much as the baby grow until around the 5months. Then only I can feel this and that. Disconfirt etc but it was fun.

Sofeas lil bro/sis however, I can feel it since week 6. Nausea, headache, tummy pain, fatigue, the worse part is, not knowing what I can eat to which not leading to vomitting later on. But the ride is fun. Im enjoying every bit of it. 

Plussssss...Sofea can somehow feel the new limited edition. So she is now a lot more MANJA with me and gets jealous of every little thing when its without her hahhaaha so cute and precious she is!!

Anyway, grow health and well my darling fetus and I still love you so much Sofea Al-Latisya!!!!

Lil Fetus

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