Wednesday, 17 April 2013

4 months old

On the 4th April 2013, our precious little princess turned 4 View blogmonths old. Ever since, she have learned a lot, such as:
  1. Teething
  2. Membebel
  3. Menjerit
  4. Merajuk
  5. Menendang
  6. Pelempang
  7. Cubit
  8. Memegang
  9. Makan tangan
  10. Sebur air liur
  11. Gelak tekekek2 macam orang besar
  12. Melompat (bila orang pegang dia)
  13. Tengok orang bila kita panggil nama dia
  14. Stand her hand and hold her heads up masa kita meniarapkan dia (even though tak boleh pusing utk meniarap sendiri lg, this is still amazing enough)
Wah 14 things in 4 months?? Well done me love!!! Lets pray and practice for a lot more to come of babe!

Love you loads doll
Mama & Papa

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